Sunday, August 27, 2006

Avoiding the Appearance of Hypocrisy

Colossians 2:16-23

Don't Give in to Self-Appointed Judges

If we live by a list of dos and don'ts, the rules become the point. That's "religion"; that's "legalism": caring more about the rules than about people. It's easier to create new rules to live by, and act like Christians, than to have our lives transformed. But spiritual maturity is still the goal.

Don't be Discouraged by Spiritual Braggarts

If we live from mountain top to mountain top, the cool "warm fuzzy" experiences become the point. False pride about spiritual experiences just puffs us up to make us think we are better than someone else. But spiritual experiences are still normative.

Spiritual Maturity is about Love

Many preachers tell us: "The world's culture is not good for your spiritual walk!"

What if we asked ourselves: "Is church culture good for my spiritual walk?"

Spiritual maturity is not about following all the rules in order to look good.

Spiritual maturity is not about having experiences in order to sound good.

Spiritual maturity is love.

What are your thoughts on Paul's ideas here?
How have you been trapped by legalism or hyper-spirituality?
What is God doing in your heart to bring real maturity in love?

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