Sunday, September 10, 2006

Why Be a Part of a Small Group?

To combat the epidemic of loneliness, and avoid the lie/trap of self-sufficiency, you need to be a part of something bigger than yourself.
Are you feeling lonely?
Spiritual growth is not about whether we hear God's Word, it is whether we do God's Word. You're more accountable in a small group.
Do you really want to grow?
In isolation, we tend to overinflate our abilities. In a small group our spiritual gifts can grow in a lovingly honest atmosphere.
Wouldn't you like it if people really knew you, and told you the truth in a loving manner?
The #1 reason people stay in church is relationships. That's why small groups are the absolute core of what we do here.
We're kingdom people, wanting to follow Jesus' model and bring a bit of heaven to earth. Heaven will be a diverse place. So go hang out with someone different than yourself!

What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Thanks Keith for the sum it up. I wasn't there on Sunday but got the CD. My hubby and I may visit each home group and see where we don't feel comfortable. How's that for stepping outside of the box??? I want more than just Sunday that's for sure!!!!!

Anonymous said...

One of the tensions we live in is this: What works and what 'should' work.
What works: Affinity groups-People who are of like mind gathering together on Sunday am, Wed. evening Homegroup etc. People who are the same age, life-stage, have similar interstests, culture etc. This is the easiest way to start relationships, and if relationships are one of our highest values, shouldn't we have our small groups based on affinity. Yet this is why sociologists say that Sunday am at 10:00 is the most segregated time of the week.
What should work: Diversity- The Kingdom of God is not one big affinitity group but quite the contrary. The Kingdom is made up of all tongues tribes and nations. I really like the diversity in church and look forward to more. This is one of the reasons behind our multi-ethnic Christmas celebrations.
But Diversity is much harder. Period. It takes more self-examination, honesty, openness, humility and otherly mindedness. But if diversity hinders relationship then people may never get to the maturity or intimacy needed for unity. Interestingly, the following week, Dudley Weiner spoke on being a warrior for unity. I think therein lies one of the keys. Unity in Diversity is certainly not the easy way out.. it must be fought for and defended.