Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sovereignty & Faithfulness

Guest Speaker: Elbert Paul
We're all at different points on a journey, and we sometimes experience tension between God's sovereignty & His faithfulness.
God is able to do, within His character,
anything He wants to
God is always faithful,
but it doesn't always look the way we think it will


We misread circumstances all the time. Elbert once mistook a raccoon on his roof for a deranged intruder, and freaked out. Afterward, he realized how silly his fear reaction had been. In the moment, though, he had been terrified!

The ancient Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar found himself in a bad spot when he got arrogant, but at the end of his God-allowed psychotic break, he came to his senses and honored God. (Dan 4:28-37)

Elbert told the story of hearing a pastor from the underground church in China being visited by God in his prison cell, having his broken legs healed, and walking out of prison to go back and share the good news of God's offerred freedom, seeing God perform miracles all over the place. As Elbert was listening the Holy Spirit said gently to his heart, multiple times,
This is so easy for Me to do anywhere I want...
...even in America
Later as Elbert read an eMail from a friend about God doing just that. The eMail included this video:
As Elbert watched the video he wept and wept, wanting to see God do that in his life, but also saying "God, if that never happens in my life, I will still follow You!" and God said again:
This is so easy for Me to do anywhere I want...
...even in America


John the Baptist is an example of faithfulness, regardless of what God is doing; how God is moving.
Religion is when we try to get God to do things
for/to/through us by how we live or what we do.


True spirituality is allowing God to use us
as He sees fit, and celebrate whatever that is.
John the Baptist was faithful, even though we have no record of his doing any miracles, despite the Holy Spirit filling him while in his mother's womb! But because of some King wanting to see some girl dance, John's head was cut off.

Is God still sovereign?

Before it happened, while still in prison going through a pretty tough time, John sends his disciples to go ask Jesus what was going on. Jesus was experiencing a very different season, and was living in an abundance of miracles. John sent a messenger to ask Jesus "Are you the One I've given my life for?" Jesus answers "Tell're not wrong. Then he tells all the people: There's no one born of woman greater than John the Baptist." (Matt 11:1-11)

in our lives...

Do not think your faithfulness goes unnoticed. God uses it to bring blessings to others. Do not think your season of experiencing God's blessings go away without having a tremendous impact to stir the faith and faithfulness of others.

God stands ready to meet us with His sovereignty and His faithfulness:
Keep coming to Me

Even if you don't 'feel it' I am building into you all the time

Keep coming to Me and asking for
whatever I have for you

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