Sunday, February 01, 2009

10 Signs You're Not Ready for Change

Change is hard work. Looking at the book of Nehemiah (an example of a masterful change-agent) we see he did three initial things -- 1) he established a sense of urgency (including identifying and embracing the crises as well as "grace disguised" opportunities), 2) he created a guiding coalition (in other words he put together a group with enough influence to lead the change and sought to help them work together like a team), and 3) he developed a vision and strategy (asking, "how do we get there from here?").

Following is a list that has been percolating in me regarding the opportunities that have been placed before us to take our church to a new place. What does it take to change?

10 Signs You're Not Ready for Change
  1. You believe conflict is a bad thing.
  2. You are trying to avoid the criticism that comes when you fail -- and when you succeed.
  3. You think the surrounding culture needs to think like you do (instead of contextualizing the gospel for them - like a missionary would).
  4. your life is too fast and cluttered -- and there's no space to dream.
  5. You value being right over being in right relationship.
  6. You think disillusionment is a bad thing (remember, to have an illusion is to have a false idea).
  7. You've stopped asking questions.
  8. You think systems and strategy are the enemy of creativity (remember, we’re invited to live in the tension of Spirit AND Truth).
  9. You're expecting to receive credit for your ideas.
  10. You think you've already arrived.
BTW -- Clicking on the pic above will take you to - loans that change lives...

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